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Crushed Ice
Crushed Ice is on the east/southeast face of the same boulder as Crusher. This boulder appears to be near the property boundary, so tread lightly and be respectful. For your reference, this boulder is about 30 yards west of the Kingpin Boulder (which is on private property) and 20 yards east from the boulder that has Toaster, Tollbooth Willy and the Willy Arete. To further clarify, this cluster of boulders is about 100 yards east of the Tilt/Divergence/Crazy Cody/Cloudwalker Area.
Anyway, the problem ascends the 80 degree east/southeast-facing slab. Walk around the corner clockwise from Crusher and you will see the slab. Right of the seam that peters out, ascend the 16 foot slab on mostly thin crimps.
We cleaned the hell out of this problem, but plenty of lichen may remain particularly up high. In other words, be careful if you choose to smear on anything.
a crashpad and spotter