- Edit (TBD)
Start sitting or lying under the scoop with hands on the sloping rail of the first rock. with a couple options for feet including left or right heel hooks, establish and pull up through good horizontal hand jams and latch onto the somewhat Dino head shaped boulder, a heel-toe cam and/or knee-bar might be useful. Do a bit of a wrestling match going straight up through the sweeping scoop feature with a mixture of hold types and somewhat puzzling movement to get stepped up. Their is a not so awesome crimp for the pull through the topout. Beached whale it was for me! This was a fun piece of rock and a bit different of style.
If looking at Happy Puppy. Littlefoot is on the boulder to the right about 20 feet away with the tree growing up next to it. The climb is to the right of the tree. It is actually a boulder set onto another flatter boulder that has been undercut forming a small body sized scoop. When lying below it roughly resembles a brontosaur head. good spot for a nap too.
2 pads would be ideal. The main landing zone is flat, but to the right are a few exposed rocks that I couldn't move.