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Peak Mountain 3

South(East)Side Bouldering



early sun/afternoon shade ~The rolling hills and sparse vegetation~(winter) ensure that long distance observation may be made. The lake (shaped like a wish-bone) is generally surrounded by hills on all sides. The roads leading into Lake Lincoln are mostly winding county roads. These roads, with lake access points on the N and W sides of Lake Lincoln, allow for a timely movement of casualties to surrounding medical facilities. (WRMC, Fayetteville)

The overall time of travel to the South(East)Side of the lake is approx. 20 min. via foot (it's all easy cruisin) It should be noted that sightings have been made of city personnel patrolling the lake rim on bike, there to potentially report and site.

BOLO (be on the look out) for amish people who use the lake as a watering hole.

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