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This is the only dihedral in the area. It faces to the left/north. There is a 2 rope rappel from the top of the 1st pitch, 90'.
tony m
: there are 3 more pitches above. From the 2nd pitch anchors, climb to the right to a bushy ledge. Find a bushy slab and start up. This slab is runout, and you can find a bomber piton in the middle. Keep climbing up to a cable anchor. It has been several years since I have climbed this route, so check the cable, make sure it's sound before committing your and your partners' safety on this anchor. From the cable, climb right till you see a bulge with a small crack, if I remember its a #1 Camalot. Pull over the bulge, and climb to the right. From here, you will meet with the top of
Trooper Traverse
then the summit. This route was dirty but fun. It is also runout for much of it.
It is just right of the section's sport climbs, it is the only left-facing dihedral in this area.